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Chelsea's Choice production  highlights child exploitation and grooming

Our year 8 and 9 pupils recently had the opportunity to see the production 'Chelsea's Choice' performed in the school hall by the Alter Ego performance company.   The play itself highlighted the very serious issue of child exploitation and grooming in a storyline that students could identify with.  A question and answer session after the production helped reinforce the ways young people can identify and protect themselves from grooming and the devastaing effects abuse has.

Comments from our pupils:

"Inspirational and aducational as it gives you advice for when you're older"

"It makes you think about the friends you have on Facebook and if you really know them properly"

"Made me think I shouldn't add people on social media i don't know"

"It made me think you can't trust strangers based on what they look like"

Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781