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Working from Home - Learning Materials

If you are required to self-isolate your subject teachers will be setting you work via your school email. There will also be resources for you to use on SharePoint and you will need to use your school login details (your email address and the password you use to get onto school computers) to gain access. Your subject teacher will let you know which resources to use.

Working From Home Statement

In order to ensure that learning is continued, irrespective of self-isolation, Fullhurst has developed the following plan. This plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and would require hard copies of work and resources.

This plan will be applied in the following instances:

  • An individual is self-isolating because of symptoms or a positive test
  • A group of children are self-isolating because of a positive case in the bubble
  • A whole bubble or cohort is self-isolating because of an outbreak of coronavirus

Within all plans, teacher will set appropriate work in line with our current curriculum, using our own bespoke materials, supplemented by a range of online resources.

Students have been provided with their own exercise books, lesson materials and workbooks, a selection of stationery and resources such as knowledge organisers and reading booklets. In the event of self-isolation, students should have these materials with them and can use these as the basis for their learning from home.

Teachers will email instructions directly to students regarding work to complete at home, either on the day of the lesson with the lesson’s worth of work to be completed during that day, or once at the start of the self-isolation period with sufficient work for the week. You can see your child’s timetable on the Fullhurst App.

Students may be required to complete work using the hard copies of lesson materials they have been provided with, or they will be sent additional materials as an attachment or directed to an online resource. Wherever possible, the teacher will record part or whole of the lesson in order that students are able to hear the instructions they are being given and listen to explanations and examples. Students may also be set online quizzing tasks so teachers can monitor their work. Students are encouraged to ask questions about their work via email, and submit completed learning via email for feedback.

Where a student doesn’t have access to IT, this needs to be communicated to the school. Teachers will communicate via phone conversations instead, ensuring the student knows which work to complete in the resource pack.

There is an expectation that students who are self-isolating complete the work they have been set, communicating with the school about any difficulties they are encountering. If a student is unwell, then of course this expectation is different.

Sometimes students may be set work using external resources, to supplement the school resources and these have been very carefully selected.

  • Oak Academy has been selected to support remote learning for a number of reasons across different subjects and year groups. Oak Academy lessons are chosen when they are in line with our curriculum plans and they also match our teaching ethos- encouraging the use of retrieval practice and explicit teaching with high quality modelling. The online sessions offer a recorded taught session so that children can access input from a subject specialist and then complete work relating to that lesson.
  • MathsWatch has been selected as it is a familiar platform for students in all years, as they already use it for their weekly maths homework. MathsWatch has straightforward videos on all maths learning to support students’ understanding of topics they are studying, and exam papers can also be assigned to students. Instant feedback can be given and students’ work is tracked through the program. Teachers can also use it to communicate directly with students, provide support and assign personalised tasks and interventions to students.
  • Alongside Mathswatch resources are used in KS3 as they are matched to our current Maths curriculum and children are used to these resources. Corbett Maths is being used in KS4 as this online resource has detailed tutorials and tasks related to the GCSE topics and skills.
  • The Everlearner is an online learning tool which has been selected for Science and both BTEC and GCSE PE. It provides students with detailed videos and guided tutorials.  Students can complete practice papers, personalised practice and see examples, and teachers can oversee all students’ progress.
  • Seneca learning has been selected for KS4 Food Preparation and Nutrition, Computer Science and Business Enterprise as it allows students to test their current knowledge and learn as they go along, generating a score for the class teacher to monitor.
  • This is Language is an online learning tool which has been selected for French and Spanish GCSE as it provides students with authentic target language videos, as well as grammar and vocabulary practice.  Students can complete a variety of tasks related to the GCSE topics and teachers can oversee all students’ progress.
  • French and Spanish home learning is supplemented by Quizlet in all years which provides students with a variety of methods to practice the weekly set vocabulary learning. This enables students to develop their knowledge of vocabulary which will greatly aid their reading and listening skills.
  • PGonline has access to online powerpoints which are used in lessons for Design and Technology theory work and exam based questions.

Child Safety Online – A guide for parents and carers

Social networking is hugely popular. Many young people are sophisticated in the way they use social media apps and websites, tailoring their communication for different audiences, and accessing them from a range of devices including smartphones, tablets, and games consoles.

But social media, like all forms of public communication, comes with some risks. Not all of these risks turn into actual problems; and if children never face any risks, they never learn how to deal with them. By helping your child understand what the risks are, you can play a big part in preventing them from turning into problems.

To read more about online safety and a guide for parents, click here.

For access to your student email account, click here. You'll need your school email address and school password to login.

For learning resources, head to Sharepoint and use your school login details to gain access.

KS4 Student Learning Materials here

KS3 student Learning Materials here

You must login before accessing resources. Login with your school email address & the password you use to get onto the school computer. If you require help logging in, contact:  Fullhurst IT Help Desk we will respond as soon as we can.

If you are in year 7, 8 or 9, you should also still be completing your reading homework booklet and using your knowledge organiser to re-cap learning.



If you’re having any difficulties with accessing work you should contact the Fullhurst IT Helpdesk .                   

Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781