GCSE exam results
2014 saw more record exam results at Fullhurst. Our GCSE exam results in 2014 saw the school placed second in the city for value added and our overall 5A*-C % including English and Maths improve to 50%. This is a fantastic achievement and a huge congratulations to all the students and staff.
Over 50% of pupils achieved five A*-C grades at GCSE including English and mathematics at the end of Key Stage 4. This is in spite of the significantly lower attainment of students on entry to the school and the high proportion of new arrivals to Britain, some of whom have had very interrupted schooling.
In English, 69% of students made expected rates of progress from key stage 2 to 4 and in Maths this figure was 56%. Both of these were a significant improvement from 2013, and for 2015 we are projecting English to be above the national figures and Maths to be in line.