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Fullhurst staff

Below is a list of staff at Fullhurst Community College and their roles. If you would like to contact anyone, please do this via the main office on 0116  282 4326 or via email at

Senior Leadership Team 

Mrs C Bailey Executive Headteacher
Mr J Gough Senior Deputy Headteacher
Mr S Willcock Senior Deputy Headteacher
Mr A Rai Deputy Headteacher
Miss C Murphy Deputy Headteacher (SENDCO)
Ms H Sizer Deputy Headteacher
Mr R Parker-Monks Deputy Headteacher
Mr S McGeehan   Assistant Headteacher
Mr D Clark Assistant Headteacher
Mrs E Smith  Assistant Headteacher
Mr M Lipton  Assistant Headteacher
Ms K Frith Director of Resources

Associate Assistant Headteacher  

Mrs S Russell-Smith Communications
Miss S Ibrahim Humanities
Mrs V Adeniyan Maths and Computing
Miss S Anderson Vocational
Mr Aaron Griffin Science, Food Technology, Design and Technology 
Ms Ravi Barayana  and Mrs C Goulding Student Support 

Standards Leaders

Miss M Bird  Year 7 Standards Leader 
Mr J Clow   Year 11 Standards Leader
Mr M Fairclough  Year 10 Standards Leader
Mr R Mohammed  Year 9 Standards Leader 
Mr A Nethercot Year 8 Standards Leader 

Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
3 Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781