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Our Careers Programme

We aim to equip students with a wide range of experiences and knowledge that will allow them to consider their options and make decisions in a fast-changing world.  

Below is a breakdown of our careers programme by year group.

Year 7 

Careers Week/Assemblies 

Year 7 students take part in competitions and activities throughout the year during tutor periods to introduce them to the world of careers and employability. This usually takes place during careers week however other opportunities to do this are available. Year 7 students also receive careers based assemblies as part of careers weeks. 


Guidance Meetings   

One-to-one meetings with students can be organised and provision has been put in place for some students to receive targeted appointments in order to raise aspirations or give academic direction. 


Progression materials 

Students complete tutor activities towards the end of the academic year ready for year 8. 


Enterprise Day

All students take part in an Enterprise Day, developing key employability skills. 


Speed Networking  

All year 7 students take part in a speed networking event, coming into contact with and speaking to a range of employers including alumni, where possible. 


Farm – Vocational Study 

Selected Year 7 students are given the opportunity are given the opportunity to engage in vocational study based on the school farm. This is used as a way of engaging students and giving an opportunity for non-classroom based learning.  

Year 8 

Careers Week/Assemblies 

Year 8 students take part in competitions and activities throughout the year during tutor periods to introduce them to the world of careers and employability. This usually takes place during careers week however other opportunities to do this are available. Year 8 students also receive careers based assemblies as part of careers weeks. 


Enterprise Day

All students take part in an Enterprise Day, developing key employability skills. 


STEM Activities 

Year 8 students take part in STEM activities led by volunteers, previously students have taken part in the Tomorrow’s Engineer Workshop which focusses on robots and Engineering. 


Year 9  

Year 9 Options 

We hold a week of tutor activities in the lead up to our options assembly and evening in February. 


Year 9 Options Evening 

The year 9 options evening is held to explain the options process and to advise students on what they should consider when making their choices. Representatives from all subjects, the Leader of Careers, SENCO and the Senior Leadership Team are present to provide advice and guidance.  


Parents’ Evening 

Year 9 parents’ evening takes place during the year 9 options window. The Leader of Careers is present to provide further advice and guidance following on from the options evening. 


Trips and Workshops 

Previous year 9 students have attended a Dynamic DNA visit to the University of Leicester, a University of Nottingham taster day and a University of Loughborough options assembly.  Students recently had the opportunity to attend an environmental careers event to find out more about careers in the environmental and low carbon sector.  Students will also get the opportunity to listen to and engage with external speakers about the work they do in their industries. Trips and workshops vary year-on-year.


Enterprise Day

All students take part in an Enterprise Challenge, developing key employability skills. 


Farm – Vocational Study 

Selected Year 9 students are given the opportunity to engage in vocational study based on the school farm. This is used as a way of engaging students and giving an opportunity for non-classroom based learning. 

Year 10

Careers Evening - All Year 10 and 11 students invited 

Previously, this event has been attended by Leicester College, Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth I College, Regent College, Gateway College, New College, Beauchamp College, Brooksby Melton College, South Leicester College, English Martyrs Catholic School, Loughborough College, University of Loughborough, De Montfort University, British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, 3aaa Apprenticeships, Leicestershire Apprenticeship Hub, Connexions and Women in Construction. 


Careers Appointments 

All students will receive a careers guidance meeting to support them making choices about their future. These will take place in Year 10 or Year 11. 


Speed Networking 

An event for all year 10 students to interact with a wide range of business volunteers, aiming to increase student knowledge about various careers. 


Work Experience 

All students take part in a 1 week-long work experience placement in year 10, which is organised in partnership with Leicestershire Education Business Company (LEBC). For students, the process for work experience begins in October when they have assemblies and tutor lessons about choosing their work experience placement. Application forms are checked and students have a one-to-one session to discuss their chosen placement. Students have a week of tutor activities in preparation for their work experience. All students are visited on their work experience placement by a member of staff.  Year 10 students experience placements at a wide a variety of organisations.  

Work experience is fully funded for all students at Fullhurst Community College. 


Farm – Vocational Study 

Year 10 students that are either a concern in terms of behaviour or working within the Learning Centre are given the opportunity to engage in vocational study based on the school farm. This is used as a way of engaging students. 


Vocational Study 

Year 10 students can choose from a range of vocational subjects when choosing their Year 10 options. This includes; Health and Social Care, Food Technology and Travel and Tourism.


Year 11 

Careers Appointments 

All students will receive a careers guidance meeting to support them making choices about their future. These will take place in Year 10 or Year 11. 


Mock interviews 

Each year, over 20 employers from companies such as Santander, National Grid, Nylacast, Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Constabulary conduct a mock interview with every student in year 11. Students have assemblies and tutor sessions in preparation for the interviews.  They also produce a CV. 


Careers Evening - All year 9, 10 and 11 students invited 

Attendance from Leicester College, Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth I College, Regent College, Gateway College, New College, Beauchamp College, Brooksby Melton College, South Leicester College, English Martyrs Catholic School, Loughborough College, University of Loughborough, De Montfort University, British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, 3aaa Apprenticeships, Leicestershire Apprenticeship Hub, Connextions and Women in Construction. 



This takes place over the course of the autumn term of year 11. The process begins with staff training for all year 11 tutors by the Leader of Careers. Following whole year group assemblies, students then have a programme of lessons delivered through tutor sessions on Careers, Education, Advice, Information and Guidance (CEAIG). 

1:1 College Meetings  

One-to-one meetings are available for students to review their personal statement and check that their course choices are realistic and aspirational. Following this, revisions are then made to applications before submission. Form tutors, the Leader of Careers and Head of Year are actively involved with each student throughout this process. 


College / Post 16 presentations 

Presentations are given by colleges, training providers and post-16 providers. These take place in the form of additional assemblies during the autumn term for year 11 students in preparation for PS16 applications.


Parents’ Evenings 

The Leader of Careers attends parents’ evenings to meet parents/carers and offer information, advice and guidance. 


Trips and Workshops 

Previous year 11 students have attended the ‘Get Inspired’ careers exhibition, an Oxbridge careers workshop and a Santander business workshop. Trips and workshops vary year-on-year. 


We evaluate our careers provision on an ongoing basis using a combination of student, parent, business and staff feedback alongside reviewing our student's destinations and our NEET figure.

We review our career provision annually and agree any changes with our Careers Leader, SLT and Governors. The last review took place on 28th June 2024. 

Our Provider Access Policy Statement can be found on our policies page and sets out our arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the college for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer.

For any information regarding our careers programme, please contact our Leader of Careers, Claire Foxon,  via email on Alternatively you can make contact by calling 0116 282 4326.

Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781