Mental Health
At Fullhurst Community College, we understand our role in supporting students to be resilient and mentally healthy. We are committed to creating a culture that values all students and allows them to feel a sense of belonging, making it easier to talk through difficult problems without judgement.
Many young people experience difficulties with their mental health during their time at secondary school and we want our students to understand accessing support is not a sign of weakness, but of strength.
All staff in school have a responsibility to help and support our students and their mental health. We have a team of staff with additional responsibilities working across the school to support the mental health and wellbeing of all of our students. Through working with other professionals as needed, we strive to ensure all our young people get the support they need.
Staff directly involved in developing our whole school mental health provision would be happy to talk to you and answer any questions:
C Murphy-Deputy Headteacher- Inclusion
Emma Smith-Assistant Headteacher- Inclusion
Gemma Cooper - - Student Mental Health Lead
Useful local and national resources for parents and young people
One of UK’s leading charities, providing mental health guidance and information for young people Parent helpline - 0808 802 5544 Monday–Friday 9:30am - 4:00pm
Bite-sized information on a range of physical and emotional health topics for teenagers |
A text messaging service for diagnosed and non-diagnosed autistic people, their families and carers. Text: 07312 277097
Speak to a school nurse by texting the Chat Health service Leicester City: 07520 615 386 Leicestershire & Rutland: 07520 615 387 Response time: Within 24 hours, 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri (except bank holidays) Healthy Together helpline – 0300 300 3001
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The teams offer support to children and young people who are experiencing: Low mood Worry Anxiety and avoidance Sleep difficulties MHST also work closely with parents/carers to help them understand and support their child’s mental health.
For young people under 18 in Leicestershire to self-refer for mental health support or access information that could help
Anyone needing mental health support for themselves or others can call this service on 0808 800 3302, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. |
A private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. Contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything Tel: 0800 1111
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Samaritans are available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. Phone, email or face to face National helpline : 116 123 Leicester branch: 0116 2700 007
You can visit the website or download the app from your phone’s app store.
Offers online support for young people and families experiencing self-harm concerns, training for schools and consultancy for organisations. |
Midlands eating disorder charity that provides individual and group therapy services from 5 years plus, supporting children, young people and adults including parents/carers through face to face and online video clinics Helpline: 0300 102 1685 Email:
Website offering support for young people and their families experiencing an eating disorder.
Supports young people and their families to reduce the likelihood of homelessness by resolving conflict Tel: 01509 260500 Freephone: 0800 038 5964 WhatsApp: 07521 386794
A leading mental health charity. Their website offers information and resources on various mental health issues.
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database. It has directed hundreds of thousands of people to life-changing and even life-saving support, and it is now the UK’s go-to mental health support signposting tool, with thousands of local, regional and national support groups and services listed.
A professional bereavement service that believes in providing a safe, friendly and inclusive environment for all the family but also on an individual basis. Call : 0116 254 4341