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Information for Parents

When trying to help your child to navigate the world of careers, it can seem tricky! Luckily at Fullhurst, we are committed to providing a high standard of careers education to ensure that your child has the best start possible in their career. 


For any information regarding our careers programme, please contact our Leader of Careers, Ms C Foxon via Alternatively you can make contact by calling 0116 282 4326.


Leaving school

The law states that all students have to stay in learning until at least their 18th birthday. Students can choose from:

  • a full time course at a college studying for A Levels or a vocational qualification.

  • learning while you work on an apprenticeship, traineeship or study programme.

  • learning part-time and getting a job, voluntary work or starting your own business.

It is important that students start a course in September, even if they hope to find an apprenticeship or join the armed forces.  They can always drop out later, but will be fulfilling the requirement, just in case their preferred plan doesn't work out.

Once your child leaves Fullhurst Community College, we will continue to provide ongoing support and track their destination for 3 years. Students can make contact with us for careers support during this period. 


Year 10 Work Experience 

At Fullhurst Community College, we believe work experience gives students a unique opportunity to develop both personally and professionally. 

We pay for all students to take part in work experience during year 10. This year, work experience will run for one week from Monday 5th June to Friday 9th June.

We work closely with Leicestershire Education Business Company, a local charity that ensure all placements are health and safety checked and that there are suitable job descriptions, risk assessments and other important documents in place.


For information about work experience, please call the Fullhurst Careers Team on 0116 282 4326  or alternatively email us at 

How to Access Support? 

If you are looking for additional support for your child in relation to careers education, please contact us on  .

Useful Websites 


What they do 




Career Exploration software to help you in all areas of careers information, advice and guidance.


NCS is an opportunity for year 11’s in the summer holidays after GCSEs. 

Use this website to find apprenticeship opportunities. 



Government website that provides information, advice and guidance around learning training and work. 


Real-life career videos, advice and information to inspire your career. 



Shows the opportunities that exist outside of the traditional university route. 



Information about 24 of the country’s leading universities. 


Search for job vacancies in all sectors! 

Information About Local Colleges 

Beauchamp College logo

  Beauchamp College offers a wide range of A-level courses.
 Beauchamp City Sixth Form is a new post 16 Free School offering A level provision for a broad range of academic subjects along with enrichment courses.

Brooksby Melton College Logo

  Brooksby Melton College offers a range of specialist vocational courses.

Gateway College logo

  Gateway College offers a wide range of vocational and academic courses.

Leicester College logo

  Leicester College offers a wide range of vocational courses and apprenticeships training.

Loughborough College logo

  Loughbrough College offers a wide range of academic and vocational courses and apprenticeships training.

Regent College logo

  Regent College offers a wide range of vocational and academic courses.

South Leicestershire College logo

  South Leicestershire College offers a wide range of vocational courses and apprenticeships training.

WQE1 logo

  Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth 1 College offers a wide range of A-level courses.

Information About Apprenticeships 

Apprenticeships logo

  Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job with study.  The website provides      
  information and enables you to search for apprenticeship vacancies. 

Get My First Job Logo

  The GetMyFirstJob website is a website which allows you to search for apprenticeships and opportunities with many      well known employers and training providers.

Useful downloads:

Information About Your Child's GCSE Results

Confused about your / your son or daughter's grades? 

The DfE campaign website aims to answer queries about GCSE changes.
DfE fact sheet for parents

If your grades are lower than predicted:

  • Don’t panic.  Talk to school staff, your parent/carer and possibly Connexions about your options.
  • Contact the college, they might still accept you either on your course or another one.
  • Call the Exam Results Helpline (0808 100 900), a government funded helpline.
  • You might be able to re-sit some GCSEs, possibly whilst studying for A Levels or a BTEC.
  • However, if there isn’t a really good reason why you didn’t get higher grades, you will probably get the same ones again, so choose a lower level of course.
  • Consider asking for your paper to be reviewed.
  • If you don’t have the grades for your college, contact other colleges to apply for their courses.  Remember, you can get into university with a BTEC, not just A Levels.
  • Consider other options such as apprenticeships, traineeships or part-time study with work or volunteering. See:

If your grades are higher than predicted:

  • Well done.  Talk to school staff, your parent/carer and possibly Connexions about your options.
  • If your course is a Level 1 or 2, contact the college, they may be able to offer you a Level 2 or 3.
  • Consider contacting other colleges to see if they have a more suitable course for you e.g. A Levels rather than a BTEC.

Want to speak to someone?

  • Please contact the careers team on 0116 282 4326 or at


You can see our full careers programme HERE.

For support with regards to careers education, please contact 


Fullhurst Community College

Imperial Campus
Imperial Avenue

Fosse Campus
Ellesmere Rd

tel: 0116 282 4326
fax: 0116 282 5781